© essential

Restaurant Manager

About This Project

Demo [work in progress] | Github




See and plan tasks for your team from one place, quickly.


I’ve been running a restaurant & bakery for several years, and coordinating a team is by far the most challenging thing for several reasons:
– Huge number and variety of tasks
– Part-timers and people who change shifts due to an increasing need for schedule flexibility
Staff need to be kept updated on administrative & menu changes, but some people miss signs or memos
– Managers may lack technical ability to use complicated apps


All the restaurant management tools I tried before were too complicated or not intuitive enough, so I decided to design & build a tool myself.


The goal is to make it easy to see essential information at a glance, whilst retaining the simplicity of physical checklists that everyone’s used to. The plan is to build the app in stages, starting with a simple MVP that is like a digital version of a pen & paper, but presented in a dashboard format.


It’s important that the app is accessible to everyone regardless of their age or technical ability. I’ll be adding more features gradually.


Some planned features :

  • Save lists of recurring tasks for opening, closing, maintenance, etc.
  • Auto-schedule recurring tasks.
  • Save inventory lists.
  • Auto-add inventory items to shopping list based on usage patterns.
  • Assign tasks to users.
  • Keep track of who’s done which task, make completing tasks feel fun.

Product Design, Frontend, Backend, UI/UX


Javascript, CSS, HTML

Frameworks & Libraries

React, Redux, NodeJS, Express, PostgreSQL


April 2022 -
